
mecz sezonu dzisiaj. To akurat mało istotne. Ala prawdopodobnie ostatni mecz Bena Wallace'a w karierze. Lawrence Frank ma go wypuścić w pierwszej piątce, mimo, że Big Ben chciał wejść z ławki. Dodatkowo Frank zapowiadał, że sam wystąpi w niebieskiej opasce na bańce, a'la Big Ben. Chcę to zobaczyć!!
Tutaj przywołanie rozmowy między oboma Panami z początku sezonu:
"There's a lot of things that happened over the course of this year," Wallace said. "Everybody didn't want me back. I've had meetings with people who told me be prepared to sit out, to wear the suit the whole year. The only thing I asked for, before I do that, let me know if there's an opportunity, make me wear the suit. Don't judge me before giving me a chance."
That someone sounds like Pistons coach Lawrence Frank, who gave Wallace what he was looking for — a fight. "I had to paint the worst-case scenario to see how he would react," Frank said. "I wanted to see if he'd buy into that. He proceeded to kick everyone's (bleep) in training camp."
Cóż, widać, że Lawrence Frank ma na pewno lepsze podejście do zawodników niż John Kuester. Ale czy Ben  w ogóle potrzebuje jakiejś dodatkowej motywacji ..?

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