Dumars nie jest człowiekiem słowa. Albo może raczej jest człowiekiem niewielu słów i odpowiedniej intonacji. Nie komunikuje się z fanami zbyt często i nie wypowiada się zbyt jasno. Wiadomo, taka praca - nie można ujawniać zbyt wiele. Ale kiedy Joe wypowiada z namaszczeniem dosyć ogólne stwierdzenia, żeby nie powiedzieć komunały, i robi to ze swoim południowym akcentem, pauzując po każdym zdaniu niczym papież, czasem sam już nie rozróżniam kiedy nie może powiedzieć więcej, kiedy robi słuchaczy w wała, a kiedy po prostu maskuje swoją indolencję. Dlatego wywiad, którego udzielił jednemu z najlepszych, no dobra, najlepszemu obecnie gościowi jeżeli chodzi o publicystykę dotyczącą NBA Zachowi Lowe jest szczególny. Dumars odsłania nieco kulisy procesu decyzyjnego sztabu Pistons. Bardzo ciekawe fragmenty dotyczące oceny talentu Brandona Jenningsa.
I'd also say this: We like his ability to see the floor. He shoots a
lot, but it’s not that he doesn’t see the floor well. During the four
days we were talking about the trade, we broke down hours and hours and
hours of film of him, watching him, offensively, just watching his
assists. Just watching to see: “Does he see the floor?” And for us, that
really hammered it home.
I did a big Jennings piece last year, and watched a lot of film
again after you guys made the trade. And it does seem as if he’s
improved as a passer, which is weird to say — that he has some Chris
Paul start-and-stop to his game now, he’s better at reading the floor,
We absolutely had to see that. If you see it, now it's just a matter
of it becoming repetitive, with the change of pace, the hesitations,
waiting for the guys on a fast break to fill the trail spots — you have
to see those things. And he sees it. Now, the question becomes: Hey,
look, we need you to look for that at all times, and to not ever miss
it. You have got to make those plays. We are going to sit him down,
watch film with him, and say, “Hey, look: You see it.”
It’s no secret Jennings wore out his welcome in Milwaukee. He was
seen there as pouty, selfish, entitled. You’re obviously confident that
won’t repeat itself in Detroit. Why?
You have to dig deeper than just the kind of scuttlebutt you hear. We
talked to a lot of people inside that locker room and in that
organization. They definitely mentioned their concerns, but after
talking to people, I felt comfortable with it. I feel real comfortable
with it, as a matter of fact. We’ve never shied away here in Detroit
from guys who supposedly have issues. We feel like if he’s a decent
person, that we can deal with him. We’re not here to save the world.
We’ve had some guys in here that were … a little different.
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